If you have had to cut costs considerably or if your business is flourishing, avoiding the unnecessary expense of your media budget remains a priority for all companies.
Google Ads gives you some tips to help you identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses from your Google Ads campaigns.
Check the targeting of your Google Ads campaigns
By orientation, we mean:
- Offer settings by device (desktop, mobile, tablet).
- Offer adjustments according to demographics (age, country, city, gender, etc.).
- Offer adjustments according to the day and time.
- Your different campaign settings (are Google search partners included in your campaigns? Have you activated the Display Network?).
- Your different Google Ads audiences.
These different parameters can be verified at the account or campaign level, it all depends on how you have configured them. Even if it’s easy to miss, they can have a big impact on the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. If the goal of your campaigns is to drive sales, you can adjust the offers where you see the most conversions. For example, if you find that most of your conversions are from women between the ages of 18 and 24, you can adjust your offers for women and that age group so that your ads can appear first for users who are most likely to turn into. Feel free to do the reverse exercise, too – cut deals where you see the fewest conversions.
Delete low performance keywords
Another easy way to optimize your Google Ads budget is to remove all keywords that consume a large part of your budget but are not converted. In order to properly filter out these underperforming keywords, please take quite a long period (Ex: Last 60 or 90 days), filter on keywords that have never been converted, you can remove them from your campaigns. You will be able to re-inject this budget into more strategic keywords.
Configure scripts
Setting up automatic scripts in your Google Ads account will also help you avoid losing your budget. You can use scripts, for example, to track negative keyword conflicts, rejected ads, landing page errors, unprinted keywords, etc. This is a good way to monitor certain optimizations without having to do a manual audit!
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