How to increase your Google AdSense earnings?

When I started using it, I placed ads on all my pages and it didn’t take me long to earn a few bucks. Google quickly asked me to confirm my account (this happens when you earn your first € 10). Obviously I was very happy, but after reading a lot of articles on the subject, I realized that I was not earning the same sums as my direct competitors (the same number of visitors, the same subject …). In fact, I first thought that my site didn’t have enough traffic to make as much money as competing sites. So I chatted with many people who were also on the AdSense program, and I realized that my traffic was almost higher than the sites that earned more than me with AdSense. If you say that having between 200 and 400 visits per day is a very low score, you are wrong; Keep in mind that the vast majority of websites have much lower traffic, especially if they are recent, not yet optimized for search engines, or that the topic they are dealing with is not frequently investigated.
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Earn more money with AdSense

1- If my site had the right amount of visitors, why was my AdSense income so low?
The first mistake I discovered was related to the placement of the ads. In fact, you need to study every page on your site where you want to add an Adsense banner.
All places on your website that contain sections or areas that capture and attract visitors’ attention are preferred areas for placing an AdSense ad section. In other words, place ads on your web pages where people notice them. Currently, we can place up to 3 different sections of ads or AdSense groups on each page of the site, so take advantage of it (without disturbing your visitor). After some testing, I discovered that the best places for my ads are, just below the title or subtitle, near the middle of the page and towards the bottom or bottom of my page. If you place an AdSense ads section near the top of your webpage, people who enter your site will probably notice the ads, and if they scroll down and notice other sections, they will notice them too. You should try to make them go unnoticed. Probably the best place to place a classified ad section is at the bottom of your web pages, right after your last text or an interesting read, but be sure to place your ads before other links, because when visitors are ready to leaving their site, they can do it by clicking on one of their ads, earning money, and if you have other links before their ads, they can leave your site by clicking on one of them. So after studying the design of all my web pages, I went to reposition the AdSense ads, and almost immediately noticed that my earnings increased.

I left my pages alone, and about three months later, I received my first check in the mail; It wasn’t very important, but having earned it without providing any physical work, I was very happy to get it. My income started slowly and better and better after this first check. The next month, I received another check, then the following month, another, and so on. After being in the AdSense program for about 8 months and talking to more people who were also in the program, I found that my earnings were still low compared to these other people.

2- Then I discovered another method to increase my income even more.
I noticed that my ads stood out from the rest of my text on my web pages. I always thought I had to make my ads a different color than my background so that people would notice my ads and click on them; In fact, he was completely wrong. Almost everyone who’s been on the Internet for a while has gotten so used to seeing flashy banners and other ads that almost everyone now has what’s called an “ad blocker”; Such software means that when users visit a site, ads are automatically disabled, and if they don’t have this type of software, visitors ignore anything that looks like an ad. So I used the Adsense editor and changed the background colors and “border” of my ads to better match the background color of my web pages, and changed the text color of my ads to match the color of the text of my content on my web pages. So the ads were very well mixed and even for me they were barely noticeable on the rest of my website. As a result, the number of ad clicks immediately increased and revenue increased further.

3- I left my web pages alone and for a few more months my income remained more or less the same.
I was happy with the result, but my earnings were still not as good as those of other people who received approximately the same amount of traffic. Then I found out they did something else with their AdSense ads, something that made the ads seem to really grab people’s attention – they put photos near the ads. Adding images seems to give your ads a unique look and this has helped to increase the number of clicks a bit. So I searched the internet and found some small icons and images that matched the content of my web pages, and near where the Adsense ads were showing, I showed the images by adding a simple tag HTML image I asked Google if adding images was in AdSense policies, and I was informed that this was allowed as long as people were not encouraged to click on the ads; In other words, you can’t have a flashing sign saying “click on these ads,” or a girl in light clothing pointing to the ads and saying “make me happy, click here” or things like that. . You can make some nice photos that relate to the content of your website.

In the months that followed, my income continued to rise slowly. At that time, in addition to my normal web pages, I had worked on various sites related to different topics. So I thought I could put AdSense ads on all my blogs to earn even more money. After a few weeks, my income increased a little and I was very happy; Suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch, my AdSense revenue decreased. My traffic kept increasing slightly, the number of clicks kept increasing, but for some strange reason, my earnings per click fell a lot: was it horrible? .

Then I found out that Google has introduced a new feature called “smart pricing”; It is an automatic adjustment of the cost of an ad click. Using Google’s AdSense data analytics system, if it shows that a click from one of your web pages is less likely to become an online sale or other result for the ad publisher, the amount you earn per click on AdSense is significantly reduced. When the “smart pricing” system was introduced, some AdSense users saw their cost per click drop as low as 3 cents per click, where before this “smart price” they would have earned a euro with that same click. It was the arrival of a drastic drop in my results. The terrible thing about this new “smart pricing” system is that, in addition to the loss of revenue for AdSense users, it is that a site or web page affected by this system is polluting all its other sites / pages. And in order not to be more active, sometimes you have to wait a week, even after removing the ads from the site / page in question!

If you are thinking of trying AdSense, or if you are already in the program, beware of “smart pricing”, or if it has already affected your earnings, try removing AdSense ads from your web pages that triggered the process: the “price smart “(cost of the click) is evaluated every week, so it will take a few days to see the consequences of removing the ad that reduced your cost per click.

Set up Adsense correctly

As a blogger, we regularly see increases and (especially) decreases in Adsense revenue. In general, they are not due to a large variation in the number of clicks on the ads that we have implemented, but to variations in the CPC. The CPC (cost per click) is, as the name implies, the value of each click. Having a CPC of € 0.2 means that every time a visitor clicks on an ad, they earn 20 cents.

The second thing you should know before starting this article: a “block” is a code automatically generated by Google Adsense, taking into account several criteria. When setting up a block, you can choose its size (this is where the ad will appear), its shape, or its content type, for example.

With the basics in place, I suggest a quick guide to getting you started (or started again) with Adsense.

Adunit position

First of all, when you install Adsense advertising on your website, you should (it’s a tip) have been careful to create different blocks to test them. Even if you want to embed only ads of the same format on your website (eg “Big Rectangle” format), I invite you to create 3 different blocks, with distinctive names. You will understand why below.

Once created directly on the Adsense site, now it’s all about placing them. To do this, there are no miracle solutions: you have to try. Please note that Google only allows 3 ad units on a single page. Not one more, otherwise you risk being banned.

For my part, I chose to put a block at the top of the article, one in the middle and one at the end. And, when one of the blocks doesn’t work, I provided a special insert in the right sidebar. Elsewhere, you’ll find a different setting – some put a lot of ads at the start of their articles, but not a single block in the middle or at the bottom. Others do the opposite by placing their blocks at the end of their writing. Still others use their side bars. Others (finally) do not place their blocks in their articles, but at the bottom of the page (and sometimes even in their header, which gives a terrible aesthetic result, but we must believe that it works).

Google recommends placing the blocks (at least one) above the waterline. In other words, you’ll be more likely to earn a few pennies if you can see at least one of your ads without having to go through the page.

Your blocks placed, then you must follow their performance. If you (as I advised you earlier) have given distinctive titles to your different blocks, measuring performance will be much easier. Take La Mine Aux Infos as an example. I decided to place a block at the beginning of the article, a block in the middle, and a block at the end. When I first installed Adsense, all three blocks were identical (it was the “big rectangle” model). I called the first B1, the second B2, and the third B3.

The format of your Adsense ads is crucial

There is a second factor to keep in mind when placing Adsense blocks on your site: the format. We can hear three things per “format”.

Ad format
The first is the shape (? Dimensions). Google allows you to customize the form (rather than the background) of your ads. So if you want your ads to stand out well from your text, you can make the background of your ads flash, or in contrast to the dominant color and background of your text. website. You can also customize the color of the ad text, the link, etc. So you have access to many tools to implement a “differentiation” (this is the example I just took) or “confusion” policy. This, for example, will make the ad text black on a white background, so that the ad is based as much as possible on your text.

Your Ads dimensions

Finally, the last thing you can hear by “format” is the dimensions. Google Adsense offers many models with different dimensions. The advertising agency that includes the blocking die is recommended (the most profitable or the most requested by advertisers). To check what blocks your profitable most, you need to be patient (and a spreadsheet will come in handy).

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